What is the Role of Central Inspection Framework portal?
The Government of Odisha has constituted a Central Inspection Framework for industries as part of “Ease of Doing Business” framework for improving the inspection of industrial establishment in the state.
What are the benefits of the Central Inspection Framework for the industry?
Before implementation of this framework, industrial establishments were subjected to multiple visits from different bodies often checking on the same things, and on some occasions, contradicting each other. By adopting Central Inspection framework, ambiguity such as duplication & overlapping mandates between inspection authorities, general lack of cooperation & coordination are eradicated.
How to register an industry in Central Inspection Framework portal?
The industrial establishments in the state can register under the Central Inspection Framework portal through the following link “ http://cicg.investodisha.org/industry-registration.aspx
What steps are to be followed for registration?
First check, whether your industry name is present in the list by selecting district, block and industry name. If your industry name is already in the list, then fill the rest parameters and submit to generate OTP. By entering OTP, the username and password will be generated and sent to the registered e-mail and mobile.
What steps are to be followed, if industry name is not present in the list?
Industry can register on the Central Inspection Framework portal by filling all required information under the URL:
What information is required to register on the Central Inspection Framework portal?
One can register his/her industry by filling information like; industry name, location detail, IEM no (in case of large industry), EM-II number (in case of MSME sector), Investment value, Udyog Aadhar number, TIN number, PAN number, Contact Person name, Telephone number, Mobile number.
Whose mobile number and e-mail address are to be provided?
The mobile number and e-mail address of those person will be provided, who will be present during inspection of the industry premises.
How can the industry know about its inspection schedule?
The industry will receive the prior inspection schedule in the registered e-mail and mobile.
Is it required for the industry to inform different inspectors from Factories &Boilers, Labour Department and Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB)?
No, the industry need not inform different department for inspections. The system generated e-mail and mobile messages will also be sent to corresponding inspectors.
What is process for conducting inspection and the checklist to be followed during inspections, by inspectors from F&B, Labour and pollution control board, of the industry? Have the inspection parameters changed under this framework?
There is no change in the existing format for inspection. The Central Inspection Framework only provides the synchronised inspection schedule of different departments. However, the industry can check the inspection format of different departments available on the portal.
In case of small industries, how to handle the three (3) inspectors on the same day?
In case of inspections pertaining to small industries, all the inspections being carried out in single day may cause inconvenience to the industry representative, if all the inspectors turn up at the same time. To avoid such a situation, the inspection schedule will be staggered in such a manner that no inconvenience is caused to the industry representative. The following time slots will be followed by all the departmental inspectors.
- Labour Directorate & Directorate of Factories & Boilers – 10.00 am to 2.00 pm
- Odisha State Pollution Control Board – 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm
The departmental inspectors from Labour Directorate and Directorate of Factories & Boilers will coordinate with each other so that they do not turn up simultaneously at the industry facility.
How will the industry receive inspection report?
No hard copy of the inspection report will be sent to the registered industry. The registered industry can download its inspection report from the portal.
When can the industry view the inspection report in the portal?
The inspection report will be uploaded within 48 hours of completion of inspection.
Can industry change its concerned person name, mobile number and e-mail address?
Yes, all these information can be edited by logging into the portal and changing the industry profile.
How to get further clarification related to CICG portal?
The required information is already available under the link: http://cicg.investodisha.org. However for further clarification, email at: rajibdhal[at] investodisha[dot]org or call the toll free helpline: 18003457111
How can I login to the system?
The Nodal Officer can login to the system through the following URL:
Using the username and password shared with the Department
How can I find out the inspections that are unattended or pending report submission?
The information regarding unattended inspections and pending report submissions are available on the homepage, once the user logs-in to the portal.
How can I add a new industry?
The department nodal officers, namely,
- Smt. Mamta Pattnaik, (Odisha State Pollution Control Board)
- Sri B.C.Behera, (Directorate of Factories & Boilers)
- Smt. Bharat Sitha ( Labour Directorate)
Can add a new industry by entering the Industry Master menu under the Master Configuration tab. The user can also check the existing industries to ensure that the new industry about to be added is not already present in the database. The user can also tag the newly added industries with their respective risk ratings.
How can I manage the inspectors in my Department?
The user can view, edit, add and activate the inspectors through the menu items present under the Officers Information tab.
How can I manage the inspections?
The user can reschedule inspections, approve already rescheduled inspections, create surprise or emergency inspections and approve surprise or inspections scheduled by others by using the menu items under the Industry Inspection tab.
How can I ensure that the inspections are being conducted as per schedule, through the system?
The user can view the details of all inspections already scheduled, their report submission times and feedback from the industry by using the menu items under the MIS Reports tab.
How can I login to the system?
The inspector can login to the system through the following URL: http://cicg.investodisha.org/Login.aspx
Using the username and password shared by the Department
How will I know which inspections are to be conducted by me and when?
The inspector can view all the scheduled inspections on the homepage after logging into the system
Can I change my contact details on the portal?
The inspector can update the contact details under the Officers Information tab once logged in to the portal
How can I upload the inspection reports for the completed inspections?
The inspector can upload the inspection report for completed inspections under Industry Inspection tab through the Complete Inspection menu
Can I schedule Emergency inspections?
Yes, an Inspector can conduct emergency inspections and upload the inspection report, stating the reason for emergency inspection under Industry Inspection tab through the Emergency Inspection menu
Can I conduct Surprise Inspections?
Yes, an inspector can conduct surprise inspections only after seeking approval from second higher authority in line, the inspection can be scheduled under Industry Inspection tab through the Surprise Inspection menu.